Sunday, September 18, 2011

Seashell Mirror Update

A lot has happened in the past few days! Johnny and I have been looking at homes for over a year now...... and we finally put a bid on one! We are just patiently waiting to hear back to see if our bid has been accepted. I am really excited and I hope we get this home. We wanted something that is in liveable conditions, and also in a decent neighborhood. We also wanted one that needed some work so we can use a little bit of our talents to fix and decorate! In the mean time I didn't want any of you to think that I have forgotten about the seashell mirror so here is the progress!

I began by making a border around the entire frame with small moonshells.  Then I lined the moonshells with tiny orange rocks that I collected from the beach. Unfortunately I ran out of small shells for the border - that means sometime soon I will have to make a trip out to the beach! After working on the border I randomly attached the larger shells to various areas on the frame. I did all of this with a glue gun.

It doesn't look like much now but I know when the frame is complete it will be beautiful. As for right now my next step will be to fill in all the gaps with smaller shells until the frame is complete! Then I have to buy a mirror that will fit in the frame.

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